Deep within the heart of every woman lies the God-given potential to become all she is destined to be. Unleashing that potential is the mission of Women Alive – a Canadian network of Christian women providing leadership and resources to support women in discovering and fulfilling their God-given purpose.
Got a dream or vision? Not sure how to make it happen?
We’ll help you translate those dreams into reality. Whether you need mentoring, practical training or spiritual development – we’ll provide the tools you need to help you reach your goals.
Long to become a woman of wholeness, faith and excellence?
Our conference, training programs and other resources will deepen your faith and nurture your body and soul.
Yearning for meaningful relationships?
You’ll be encouraged and inspired as you network with other Canadian women, who, like you, have a passion to thrive in their faith and become women of influence.
We Celebrate Women Just Like You!
Women Alive hosts regional conferences, leadership training, and other events that will equip you to become a woman of destiny.
In 2006, we launched the new Women Alive magazine, published three times each year.
Scriptural Theme:
“I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.” John 10:10b
Mission Statement:
“Women Alive is committed to equip and encourage women to become Women of excellence in all aspects of their lives, empowering them to impact their sphere of influence with the gospel of Jesus Christ.”